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Hank Williams Day, Saturday, September 15, 2012

On Monday, September 17, 1923, the world received the gift of Hiram Williams and on Saturday, September 15, 2012, nearly 89 years later, the celebration of the gift of Hank continues!

Wreath Laying (9:00 AM): Rounders, lawyers, roughnecks, accountants, cowboys, laborers and every other ilk of Hank fan from around the world will start the festivities at Oakwood Cemetery Annex with the traditional wreath laying, a touching ceremony that’s not to be missed.


Museum and Collectors Fair, Live Music & Food (Museum open 10:00 AM-5:00 PM):

A number of new vendors and many of your old favorites will be on hand beginning at 10:00 AM and they’re sure to have that perfect Hank collectable or piece of memorabilia that has eluded you all these years.


At 11:00 AM, legendary Montgomery disc jockey, and CMA Award Winner, Dr. Sam will emcee a musical program featuring great guitar playing, fiddles, upright bass, old country songs and, of course, steel guitar, to bring you those lonesome sounds. Unique voices, beautiful voices, opinionated people, open minded people and people that are smarter than me will share a common voice, one that celebrates the gift of Hank.


There are a bunch of you folks out there that are receiving these messages, but have never actually garnered the gumption to come to a show at the Hank Williams Museum. C’mon out!  It’s big fun and we don’t hardly ever bite..

Admission: Admission of $15 for non-members, and only $5 for members and children ages 3-12; includes a meal ticket, a tour of the museum, the collectors fair and a live celebration of the music of Hank Williams!

2013 Hank Williams Museum Calendar: The new 2013 Hank Williams Museum Calendar “The Recording Years” will be available beginning September 15th for $10.

Where to Stay?

Embassy Suite, (1 block from Museum) Call 334-269-5055 for reservations and mention the code "Sweet Home Alabama" to get a special rate.

Hampton Inn and Suites, (Located next door to us) call 334-265-1010 and mention Hank Williams Museum for your special rate.

Red Bluff Cottage (551 Clay Street, Montgomery) 334-264-0056


If the Good Lord's Willing, and the Creeks don't rise, we'll see you September 15th!

                                                                                                                                                Beth Petty

                                                                                                            Hank Williams Museum

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